Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Facing the Inevitable

Okay, now I've got to phone the garage for an appointment to get my tires changed and my brave little Honda Civic Hatchback winterized. This was the view I got when I opened my eyes and window blinds this morning. I have an appointment with the opthalmologist this afternoon. Pray for me.
The snowplows were out before I arose, and probably the sand(or whatever is used)trucks, too, so the roads should be okay. I'm the glass-half-full type.


jandlat said...

Oh - what a day to stay indoors! Be safe in your travels today. We are suppose to get snow tomorrow for Thanksgiving, but here in Missouri - when the weatherman says that - it doesnt mean much. It seems I always plan for the worse and nothing happens... and the really big snows catches me offguard any way. So tonight when I get off work I will parking the car in the driveway so I can get a good run at the street if the plows cover my driveway entrance again... LOL Janelle

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