Wednesday, January 31, 2007

21 December 2006

It's quite cold today, but no snow. I toured the Christmas artisan booths in the cathedral square again today, bought a small but most unusual sculpture. The artist makes rubber moulds which are quite detailed, and places them in a grotto not far from Clermont. There, they gradually become filled with mineral-saturated liquid dripping from petrified rock. The picture above was taken in one of these springs. The molds and dripping mineral water can be seen, as well as a finished piece of art.
I've got to remember to take my camera the next time I wander the winding, two-horse-wide streets! As I walked up one such street, I saw the little tourist "train" (it's like several suvs strung together), stopped for who-knows-what-reason, cars lined up behind him. There's no room to pass on some of these streets. As I walked on the curving passage, more and more cars were revealed. There must have been the equivalent of two blocks of motorists patiently waiting. No honking or yelling, and most of them would not have been able to see what was holding up traffic.


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